Monday, February 16, 2009

battery charger

This weekend I tried to start my car because we had to take it to the body shop to get fixed. The car had been sitting in the garage for over two months so I wasn't sure if the car would run. When I stuck the key in the ignition the car wouldn't start. Not even the car lights would work; the battery was completely dead. Because the battery had been sitting for months without the car being started which recharges the car battery, the battery now had not enough voltage difference to start the car. I needed to recharge to battery so i connected it to a car battery charger. This device uses current from an outlet and uses it to recharge energy to the dead battery. The charger used a 6.4 Amp setting. This means that 6.4 coulombs were being transferred back to the battery per second. After a couple of hours or charging I hooked the battery back up to the car. Now, when i turned the key the battery had a big enough voltage difference and coulombs of energy to start the car.

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